Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hey Edward Scissor-Toes

There are certain things that I really can't deal with as a massage therapist and one of those is GROSS feet!

 The other day I was working on a client and when I got to his feet I started rubbing his toes. No big deal usually everyone loves there feet rubbed and I don't mind doing that, until I cut my hand on his effing dagger toenails. 

 There are these things called toenail clippers and you use them to cut away excess nails . How does your partner deal with something like that. Just imagine lying in bed one night and you get stabbed in the shin by your partners disgustingly long TOE NAILS!!!!

 So do us all a favor cut your nails before you get a massage or if it is your mate let them know that they need to resolve this problem IMMEDIATELY. 

Another situation I encountered recently was FUNGUS!!!!

 Fungus is highly contagious and if you don't worn your therapist they can contract it EASILY. Athletes foot is also known as RINGWORM, and if you don't let ANYONE know that is working on your feet that you have this, you are transmitting it to them!!!!!! We don't care and you don't have to go into detail just let the person working on you that you would like to skip your feet for that session. Clear that stuff up before you go and get work done on your feet. 

So my tips for this situation for the client, cut your toenails before you get worked on and make sure you don't have any kind of fungus on your feet before they get worked on, if you do just tell the therapist to avoid that area!!! For the therapist, notice before you touch the feet how long the toenails are they will jump out and bite you if you are not paying attention. Also with fungus pay as close of attention as you can to see if there is anything kinda weird about the area. I had a therapist friend that would always rub sanitizer on the feet before he touched them to try and keep any bacteria off his hands. Hope this helps!!!

Heart Ya, Ginger

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