Sunday, April 14, 2013

Moaning is NOT Cute!

Every once in a while I get a client that makes a little more noise than normal, but I got this guy that really got my skin crawling. Right when I started the massage he started moaning. "OHHHHH YEAH right there". Noises that should not be heard by someone that is not his wife.

Well I got him for a WHOLE 2 hour massage . That is as long as a Harry Potter movie! Just imagine being stuck in a room with someone moaning for 2 LONG hours and having to touch their body. He kept letting me know I was way better than his wife and that she could learn a thing or two from me. Well no crap, I've been doing this for 10 years! 

I understand when things feel good we make some noises but please have some self control, it is so unnecessary.

 I am adding a video clip from FRIENDS the TV show that will explain a little about how the therapist feels. Phoebe is a massage therapist and is going to give her friend Monica a massage and she gets a little too vocal. 

I let one of the male therapists know what had happened and asked him what he suggested in this situation. He thought I should start talking about stupid, mundane, everyday life kind of conversation to get the client to start to talk and to STOP moaning. Well the lesson here for the client is please be aware of the noises you make on the massage table because you can make your therapist feel VERY uncomfortable.

Heart Ya,  Ginger.

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